Manufacturers may be stocking up on new two way radios

Manufacturers may be stocking up on new two way radios

Effective communication is vital in manufacturing environments. If personnel are not able to get the relevant information in a timely fashion, operations can be seriously affected. This can cause production to slow down and, in some cases, it can even compromise safety.

To help ensure that their workers are able to get in touch with one another in an effective manner, many firms now use two way radios, pagers and other similar devices.

Indeed, demand for these products may be particularly strong at present. According to one industry expert, the future looks bright for the sector. Writing in The Information Daily, chief economist at manufacturers’ organisation the EEF Lee Hopley suggested that better news about the state of the sector “has been rolling” over recent months.

She noted that the EEF’s Business Trends survey covering the third quarter of this year showed the strongest set of results for two years. In it, the balance of manufacturers increasing output went up to a three-year high, while overseas orders reached a two-year peak.

According to the specialist, demand in the domestic sector is “also seeing something of a resurgence”.

Ms Hopley acknowledged that the sector hit a “rough patch” at the end of the summer. Data from the Office for National Statistics revealed that output declined in August by 1.2 per cent month on month.

However, she stated: “Manufacturing is an extremely diverse part of our economy – covering everything from food processing and clothing to high-end sports cars and power generation equipment. As such, different parts of industry will be subject to varying drivers of growth, and indeed temporary setbacks, as we saw in August.”

She went on to remark: “Even with a short-term setback, there are clearly some important factors at home and abroad that are providing more support for our industrial sector at the moment.”

According to the expert, the outlook for UK manufacturing in the major European markets has stabilised since the start of this year and firms have also worked hard to “diversify into new export markets and emerging economies in Asia and South America”.

Ms Hopley noted that between 2010 and 2012, UK sales of manufactured goods to China rose by 40 per cent, while to Brazil they went up by over a quarter. Meanwhile, sales to Russia increased by more than 60 per cent.

Offering a prediction, she added: “[The] EEF is forecasting a positive contribution to growth from manufacturing in the third quarter, with a stronger 2014 in prospects for most sectors.”

She also pointed out that firms are planning to make investments in modern machinery. As part of these improvements, companies may opt to get new two way radios UK.

It is now simple for bosses to get their hands on these products. Whether they want long range two way radios or other types of communication device, they can simply head online and take their pick.

The process of ordering is quick and simple. All managers need are a spare few moments and a web connection. Also, they can benefit from impressive value for money as long as they know where to look.

Anna Longden is a freelance blogger who contributes regularly to a wide range of communication sites, including LRS. Learn more about different types of wireless devices and gadgets that can help you in your business, on this website: